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April 2024 - Autumn Tex and Remi in April

Posted: April 30, 2024
Autumn and her family had some formal pictures taken by a local photographer. They turned out nice! The kids are growing so big these days...


April 2024 - Charlie ACPA Senior Prom 2024

Posted: April 27, 2024
Charlie went to his Senior prom with Lexi, a Junior at ACPA. As far as i know, they had a good time but I'm not sure where the event was held at. Notice the Blue Jeweled Suede Shoes? Thank you, thank you very much...


April 2024 - Charlie Gets a Perm?

Posted: April 25, 2024
So here's a change - Charlie decided (or agreed to) get his hair permed prior to the prom. He seems to want to let his bangs grow but doesn't want them in his face. Maybe this is the latest young person fashion, but he got it done and now its all poofy in the front.


April 2024 - Charlie ACPA Sort Awards 2024

Posted: April 23, 2024
Tonight was the Sports Awards for ACPA for 2024. Charlie was recognized for his basketball and football contributions, but didn't get any special awards Other than being named to the 2nd team all conference as i recall. He had a difficult season after the injuries in Football and such earlier in the year. I'm sorry they did away with Soccer, I think he would have done much better if that sport was kept going.


April 2024 - Charlie Senior Portraits with Ken

Posted: April 21, 2024
After Brickfest, Charlie went with Ken and took some pictures in Fort Worth for his Senior Portraits. Most kids these days have a slew of different images taken to send out in announcements, and other graduation related materials. You have to have these early so they can be sent out. As well, at ACPA the seniors usually have to make up a Collage or similar outlining them and some of their favorite things that will be on display at graduation. its all part of the celebration. Ken got some really good shots - I hope you like them Charlie!


April 2024 - Going to BrickFest in Fort Worth

Posted: April 21, 2024
In the morning, we drove over and picked up Mia and Jack (with Charlie) to go to BrickFest at Dickies Arena in Fort Worth. This was a small event held in one of the lower convention rooms under Dickies. We spent a few hours walking around to to see the displays and talk with some of the vendors there. The show wasn't too crowded when we got there but people were still coming in as we left. There was a lot of custom building kits for sale out there and custom brick work. Many of the diorama displays were very cool, with several Star Wars related ones, Lord of the Rings, some paintings of famous people or characters. It was very fun to see what people can build with Legos - Lego building has come a long way since I was a kid.


April 2024 - Jacquelyn Goes Painting!

Posted: April 20, 2024
Jacquelyn has taken to painting at one of these 3 hour wine drinking/painting shops in Tyler, Pinot's Pallet. They have some interesting designs and walk you through painting an image in an evening. She has been going with "" and her mom lately to paint different things. I'm glad to see her getting out to do this, some of the paintings look like fun to attempt.


April 2024 - Jalen in April

Posted: April 20, 2024
Not a lot of Jalen in April, but I do know Haley and Tank made a trip over to Houston and went to the Houston Zoo where these pictures were taken. He seemed to really like the elephants I seem to recall Haley saying.


April 2024 - Rick Heads to CO to Setup New House

Posted: April 19, 2024
Rick and Kelly closed on their house in Colorado (outside of Denver) this month so Rick headed up there to start setting things up. I believe there's some re-modeling they want to do prior to officially moving in so Rick is going to work on that aspect of things while Kelly is getting a couple things fixed in Highland Village to get them packed and ready to sell. Rick took the dogs with him as well and they seem to like the colder weather up there. They even got some snow right after he got up there. I think most of the re-modeling will be done on ground floor level, in the kitchen and living room.


April 2024 - Dell Get-Together - Recent Departures

Posted: April 18, 2024
My old group from Dell got together at the Fox and Hound in Richardson to recognize some people who were recently let go of by Dell due to strategic reductions they are making. Its really unfortunate to see a lot off good people being go from this group - its being taken apart piece by piece over the last year which is a shame. Its always fun to spend time with these people - since Covid we haven't been in the office so the only time we see each other is on video and when we have get togethers when people leave. That seems to be the only way we catch up these days.


April 2024 - Mom Takes a Fall - Ends up in Hospital

Posted: April 17, 2024
Mom took a fall in her bathroom the other morning and came into the office while i was on the phone to ask for help. We immediately called an ambulance and had her taken to the hospital - her forehead was split open in 2 places and she had pain in her neck. She came home in the afternoon an was OK for a couple days, but started complaining more about the pain in her neck. We took her back into emergency (for fear she could have something more serious going on) and they found a fracture in one of her vertebrae which required stabilization so she ended up with a neck brace and rehab in a local facility for 4-6 weeks. This is not fun. We'll see how it goes.


April 2024 - A New Kitten Has Shown Up!

Posted: April 15, 2024
So last week a kitten showed up on the front porch but was untouchable. It was very hungry and was open to food but didn't want anyone to touch it. We started putting out food for it and it hung around - our plan was to make it an outside cat for mice. We planned to catch it at some point and take it in for shots to make sure everything is up to date for it if its going to stay around. After about 4-5 days I had the kitten coming up and letting me pet it at dinner time and I was able to finally hold it long enough to get it into a cat cage. We took it to the Vet to be checked out and as it turns out - the Vet was interested in adopting this little male tabby. he had an elderly cat they were going to need to put down so he's looking for a replacement for his young family. So who better to get to adopt an animal than a Vet, right? It worked out good for all parties! he was a cute little booger though, I have to admit :-)


April 2024 - ACPA Annual Fundraiser Event in Athens

Posted: April 13, 2024
On Saturday evening we went with Erik and Jacquelyn to the Annual Fund Raising event for ACPA. The theme of the program this year was Japanese, and was being catered by a local Japanese restaurant. There were Japanese dances, and performances put on, an auction, and some good food as part of the event. It was fun meeting and spending time with some of the guests, families of kids Charlie and Haley went to school with over the last 6-7 years. Yes we ended up dropping some money on some of the auction things, and the overall event was pretty successful raising quite a bit of money to support things the school is trying to get done next year.


April 2024 - Gardening in April

Posted: April 12, 2024

April weather has been good and the flowers are starting to bloom around the year. We made our annual trek to Home Depot, Texas Nursery and Hand Nursery in Tyler to pick out plants for the summer growing season. We have some new roses, black eyed susans, and a couple passion vines along with the usual array of hibiscus plants in many colors. We planted some strawberry plants as well to see how they would do - time will tell....



April 2024 - Extra Safety Lights Installed in Our Bar Ditch

Posted: April 12, 2024
So in the past, there have been 2 fatal car crashes around the curved road in front of our house. There's signed up to slow down and reduce speed on this curve but there's so much traffic these days, people don't slow down at all it seems - go through the curves at 70 miles an hour going over the lines and whatever to get around the curves. The State came through this week, cut back all the foliage 50 FT from the road and installed solar powered lighted arrow guide signs to direct people around and through the curves down the road from us. There were 5 of these signed installed on our side of the road (IE. in our bar ditch property which is an easement to the state). These thing illuminate whenever a car is approaching and tries to navigate the curves. The hatchet job these crews did to the trees was a mess, and the state just had them mulch up the debris into the bar ditch - mostly consisting of tree branches and trunks which our lawn mowers can't cut up - ruins the blades. This was an ugly result of their attempts to make things safer - they (the State) are doing it all over the rural roads where there's been multiple fatalities. We now have to live with these ugly signs in the yard, and I don't see this slowing down the traffic at all - they will still try and go 80 mph around here. I think the signs are more distracting that without them. Time will tell.


April 2024 - Total Solar Eclipse Crosses Texas

Posted: April 8, 2024
We were entranced today by a total solar eclipse which crossed across Texas and plunged us into near darkness for about 20 mins. it was an interesting experience watching daylight fade to black and see the aurora around the moon from the sun behind it. There were parts of Texas that had the best view of the eclipse and we were in the heart of it. the eclipse path continued northeast through Arkansas, Tennessee and up through the New England States for best viewing. It was a memorable experience for sure, don't know that I'll be here the next time one of these events happen in the United States. We'll see...


April 2024 - Jack and Mia in April

Posted: April 5, 2024
Jack and Mia had an interesting April - Mia broke her arm at school one day attempting a cartwheel. It was a pretty bad break and she had to get a cast on her arm for the next 6 weeks. Jack continues to grow and explore and get into things as he gets more curious and mobile. One thing is for sure he keeps a close eye on Mia and wants to be doing what she is doing. Not sure what its going to be like when he learns how to walk (which won't be long it seems like).


March 2024 - Easter 2024

Posted: March 31, 2024
Easter around the family was the usual with the Easter Bunny making a stop at each of the houses. As you can see, they all seem to have a good time and the bunny was good to them. Some of the kids went on Easter Egg Hunts as well. At our house, Melody had a Ham dinner for Easter which was good. Plenty of eggs as usual. Even Lynette's Otter got dressed up for the occasion! Happy Easter to everyone!


March 2024 - Violet 2nd Soccer Game in March

Posted: March 30, 2024
So Saturday morning we loaded up the kids and went to Highland Village to see Violet's soccer game. Its been a long time since Mia got to see Violet play. It was an exciting game and the Dolphins did well as usual. Afterwards, we went and played on the playground so Mia and Violet could spend some time together. They did the slide, swung across the monkey bars, and ran around like wild banshees. For lunch we went to a Japanese Grill place which was pretty good. It was a good time with Rick Kelly and Violet (and one of their friends), then we took Mia and Jack home so they could be with Mom and Dad on Easter.


March 2024 - Preparing for Easter

Posted: March 29, 2024
Mia and Jack came back to our house this weekend (Good Friday) so they got to help us prepare for Easter. We boiled and colored eggs, and the kids got some Easter things to play with. We also got to take naps - which I found very helpful. Jack is starting to crawl and takes a lot of monitoring. Me and Emma got him to lay down and go to sleep for a while in the afternoon.


March 2024 - Meeting a Ghostbuster!

Posted: March 23, 2024
We were over in Fort Worth to take Mia home and went to Hadie and Ken's. Ken and I decided to go to the Dune Part II movie (which the girls had no interest in seeing). On the way out of the theatre, there was a Ghostbuster promoting the latest incarnation of that movie family. Well I couldn't resist - how often do you get a chance to have your picture taken with a Ghostbuster. And he even let me shoot his proton pack blaster to take out any ghost in the room. Luckily, there wasn't any present when I fired!


March 2024 - Mia's Happy Un-Birthday for 2024

Posted: March 22, 2024
So its become somewhat of a tradition that we have a 1/2 year "Un-Birthday" celebration for Mia every March. This year she was at our house for the weekend so Melody made all the arrangements and we had a little party with cup cakes and a couple small presents for her. Its the Alice in Wonderland affect I guess and she loves it. What a Grandmother won't do for kids!


March 2024 - Mamaw's 87th B-Day @ Olive Garden

Posted: March 21, 2024
The family gathered in Mesquite at Olive Garden to celebrate Mom's 87th birthday. Luckily they had enough room to hold all of us - it was a really long table. Everyone had dinner and we had a cake and presents for her. I think she had a good time - Happy Birthday Mom!


March 2024 - Mike Madano Statue Unveiled

Posted: March 18, 2024
This month the Stars unveiled a statue memorializing Mike Madano for his career as a Dallas Star. His statue was produced by the same guy that did Dirk Nowintski's statue. Both of these are in Victory Plaza outside the AAC and make great bookends there for the teams that play in the arena. A proud display of their sport heritage in Dallas. Mike Madano is known as one of the greatest American born hockey players and I was able to see him on multiple occasions. He was quite a skilled and fast player and gave the Sharks a lot of trouble when they played over the years. I admire his level of commitment and dedication to the sport and his team - Mike Madano is worthy of his statue.


March 2024 - Patio Gardening in March

Posted: March 17, 2024
Gardening has started for the year and our honeysuckle has bloomed a bunch. Its the only thing that has really started so far, I'm expecting the other plants on the patio to take off soon and start blooming - I've got the Miracle Grow all ready for them and I think I've seen the nursery we shop at setting up on the corner in Tyler - assuming we'll go there next month and do some plant shopping!


March 2024 - Tex and Remi in March

Posted: March 16, 2024
I caught a couple images of Tex and Remi from Autumn this month - they continue to grow up and development. Hope to spend some time with them soon, birthdays should be coming around.


March 2024 - Dinner with Jack, Erik and Jalen

Posted: March 15, 2024
Jacquelyn picked up Jalen from Haley for a few days so we went into Athens to have dinner with them. Jalen is very active and quite the eater when you have something he really likes. We all got a turn to walk him around to keep him occupied. Now that he is mobile and can walk, he wants to be on the move all the time. I'm glad that he gets to spend time with Erik and Jacquelyn - thats important. Fun Times!


March 2024 - Starship Test Flight 3

Posted: March 14, 2024
Space X launched another Starship this week - Test Flight 3. The focus on this flight is to prove that the heavy booster can do a controlled decent and landing (in the gulf of Mexico) and the same for star ship - which should land over in the Indian Ocean I believe. The booster was able to return and successfully land into the Gulf as planned, but the starship did not. They were able to get Starship into lower orbit successfully for the first time but it burned up on re-entry.


March 2024 - Colt & Mia Get Together, Jack in March

Posted: March 14, 2024
Colt was staying up in Aledo with Hadie and Ken and they decided to get together with Kalyn and Mia for Shaved Ice. As you can see, Mia and Colt seem to enjoy the ice as far as I can tell. Glad they can get together - wish they lived closer and could do it more often.


March 2024 - The Maloney's in San Diego for Soccer Tournament

Posted: March 10, 2024
Sean, Kalyn, Mia and Jack flew out to San Diego for a soccer Tournament for Sean's team. It was a multi-day tournament over spring break and Sean's team came home with the championship trophy winning the tournament for their age bracket. Congratulations Sean!


March 2024 - Rick Kelly Violet Visit Denver

Posted: March 10, 2024
Rick, Kelly and Violet drove up to Denver to see their new house and scope out the area. They visited several Denver sights like the Denver Zoo, The Aquarium, and other spots of interest. I believe they also used this trip to visit the school that Violet will be attending when they move up there. Looks like they had good weather while in the area which is good. Rick has said their new house is about 2 hours from most of the big ski resorts in the area which I'm assuming they will take advantage of a great deal.


March 2024 - Dogs in March

Posted: March 9, 2024
So While we were down south this month, the dogs got to spend time at the Pet Resort and hang out with other dogs. The resort posts pictures each day of the dogs at playtime in the playground area for them. They seem to be happy and having fun, playing with other dogs being boarded. After we got home from our trip, we took them into the groomers for a good cleaning - they looked so nice!


March 2024 - Trip to Weslaco for Nellie and Danny's Wedding

Posted: March 8-14, 2024
We spent a week down south with Nellie and Danny and their family to help celebrate their wedding. It was a very nice event with a good group of people. Dinners, setting things up, the ceremony and reception, some tourist stuff as well - we had a good time. See what all we got into on this trip!


March 2024 - Jalen in March

Posted: March 7, 2024
I didn't get many images from Haley this month of Jalen, only a couple prior to Easter. Charlie was down there for spring break and spent time with them for a week. Jalen is getting so big - must be going through a growth spurt.


March 2024 - Outing to See Sharks vs. Stars in Dallas

Posted: March 2, 2024
In the evening, we all met up at the American Airlines Center to watch the Sharks take on the Stars. We sat in a section that was in the upper deck and was full of Sharks fans which was fun. Over the years there's been more and more Sharks fans showing up to games. Not sure if its the high tech migration to the Dallas area that accounts for this or just fans flying in for it. In any case, we had a good time and the girls were fun to watch together tonight - doing the CHOMP and cheering. Good Times!


March 2024 - Violet Soccer in March

Posted: March 2, 2024
We traveled up to Highland Village to watch Violet's soccer game. As usual, the Dolphins played a good game. Violet played well and was very engaged in the action along with the other girls. Rick and Kelly coach the team at the moment. It was a good game to watch - always enjoy these.


February 2024 - Stepp Family Archives Photos

Posted: February 28, 2024
Mom got some old family photos from relatives recently, so I scanned them so she can send them to her relatives electronically, These are some of GrandDad and Baby's photos, their siblings and such. I tried to identify who was in the images from Mom's descriptions.


February 2024 - Rick and Kelly Buy a House in Colorado

Posted: February 23, 2024

Rick and Kelly made the decision to move to Colorado and went ahead and purchased a house outside of Denver. Its a 3 level house, larger than the one they currently have in Highland Village (which they are selling). Not exactly sure but I think they will be moving up there after school is out. Here's to new adventures in Colorado!



February 2024 - Dawn's Birthday @ Cracker Barrel

Posted: February 18, 2024
We took Dawn out to Cracker Barrel in Lindale for her birthday this year. Always like going to this place to shop, then eat. Can't beat that. Happy Birthday Dawn!


February 2024 - Sean and Mia Go To Daddy Daughter Dance

Posted: February 17, 2024

Sean took Mia to the Saint Andrews Daddy Daughter dance tonight. Mia got all gussied up in a dancing dress and Sean did as well. From the pictures, they must have had a good time - I'm sure this was pretty special for Mia!



February 2024 - Charlie ACPA B-Ball: 1st Round Playoffs

Posted: February 17, 2024
ACPA made it into the playoffs but was seeded pretty low given their record in the division. They got matched up against a higher seeded team and played over in Arlington. From the start of the game, they were over matched. It was a very tough start and the Storm were behind by a sizable amount and were struggling offensively to get anything going. At the end of the 1st quarter they were down by 20, and they continued to struggle through the rest of the game. It was a difficult way to end the season, this has been a good group of kids to watch the last couple of years and see how they developed. You did good Charlie!


February 2024 - Jalen in February

Posted: February 16, 2024

Jalen is now 13 Months old, walking and starting to gab. I didn't get many pictures of him this month.



February 2024 - Big Boy Locomotive Made with Legos

Posted: February 16, 2024

I caught this off Facebook - someone has built a custom version of the Big Boy Locomotive 4014 completely in Legos. This is the same engine we saw a couple years ago in Palestine when it was on its tour around the US. This is a pretty impressive build, would love to see it in person some day.



February 2024 - Day with Kalyn on Her Birthday

Posted: February 11, 2024

Today we spent the day with Kalyn and her family to help celebrate her birthday. She opened her gifts and we were off to watch Mia play basketball. Mia's team (The Amazons) is pretty good, and they ended up winning the game. Many of the girls on the team are also on Mia's soccer team so they all stick together it seems which is nice to see.



February 2024 - Violet at Medieval Times in Dallas

Posted: February 10, 2024

Kelly, Rick and Violet went to Medieval Times in Dallas this evening for dinner. Violet was all decked out in her Princess dress, very appropriate for the castle and knight theme at this restaurant. From the pictures, it looks like she got to interact with some of the characters which is nice. Its a fun place to have dinner.



February 2024 - Mia and Jack in February

Posted: February 8, 2024

Mia and Jack are doing their thing as always, keeping busy. Mia has been playing basketball and finished the season this month - She even got a trophy! Imagine that. Jack continues to grow and developing a personality. He's now pulling himself up on things.



February 2024 - Cassie's 50th B-Day at Jalapeño Tree

Posted: February 7, 2024
We went to Jalapeño Tree to celebrate Cassie's 50th Birthday. Bubba was able to join us and we had a nice dinner there. And the cake wasn't bad either. Happy Birthday Cassie!


February 2024 - Charlie ACPA B-Ball Senior Night

Posted: February 6, 2024

Tonight was Senior Night at the ACPA basketball games and all the seniors for boys and girls were recognized in ceremonies before each game. Jacquelyn and Erik escorted Charlie on the court for his turn, and Coach Brown gave him a nice acknowledgment. Hard to believe we're already at this stage, seems like just yesterday he was playing Little Dribbler's. Congratulations Charlie on your senior night!



February 2024 - Mickey's 67th B-Day at AppleBee's

Posted: February 4, 2024

We stop by to say Happy Birthday to Mickey at Applebee's today - Ericka and her family took him out for lunch. We couldn't stay long due to a dog grooming appointment, but it seemed like Mickey enjoyed his lunch. Happy Birthday Mickey!



February 2024 - Going to Mavericks Game vs. The Bucks

Posted: February 3, 2024

In the evening, we went to see the Mavericks take on the Milwaukee Bucks. This is the first time I've seen the Dirk statue they put in Victory plaza - it turned out really good. Gianis Antetukumpo and his crew are really tough competition. He is hard to stop. The game was pretty good but in the end, the Bucks prevailed and won the game.



February 2024 - Lunch in Dallas with the Old Gang

Posted: February 3, 2024

We finally got the old Macromedia crew together for lunch in Dallas. We went to a place called Rise, a French themed menu which was really good. it was a blast hanging out with these guys again, miss the old days working with them. Everyone seems to be doing good which is great to see.



February 2024 - Grandparents Day @ Mia's School & FW Stock Show

Posted: February 2, 2024

We went to Saint Andrews Catholic School today to attend Grandparents Day. Soutara and Mike were also there. The different grades put on skits and performances and then we all got escorted to our different destinations within the school. This was highly organized. We spent some time in Mia's class, then we went to the Book Fair, and finally we got to play Bingo. Our group ended up winning a couple Bingos and Mia got some prizes to take home. it was a neat event, i think the school did a good job on this one.

Afterwards, we and Soutara took Mia over to the Fort Worth Stock Show to see the animals. We sat in on a horsemanship competition, and then walked through the barns to see the different animals - it was pretty neat. Mia got her face painted and we spent time at the amusement area so she could ride a few rides. We ended up at her house in the afternoon. It was a fun day all around.



January 2024 - Standing Up the Shuttle @ Cal. Science Museum

Posted: January 30, 2024

Things are moving fast at the California Science Museum in Los Angeles - they are standing up and assembling a full stack of the space shuttle Endeavor They plan to stand things up in a launch position, then build the actual building to house it around it over the next 1-2 years. We visited the museum about a year ago and saw the plans for this, its good to see it happening. It will be cool to actually see up close what this all looked like on the launch pad.



January 2024 - Jalen Turns the Big 1!

Posted: January 27, 2024

We made the trip down to Haley's to help celebrate Jalen's 1st Birthday. We met Kalyn to pick up Mia and headed south yesterday afternoon. Haley and Tank decorated with a underwater Nemo theme with balloons a cool cake. Of course, he made out like a bandit with a electric car and other fun toys. They tried to get him to dig into a cup cake which was tough - he wasn't really sure about it but once he got a taste of the frosting, I think he liked it :-) After the party, we went to Logan's Roadhouse for Dinner which was fun. It was a really good trip - Happy Birthday Jalen!



January 2024 - Mia and Jack in January...

Posted: January 20, 2024

Mia and Jack keep themselves busy as usual. Jack sure seems to like Mia and Mia is the same about Jack - they do well together...



January 2024 - Jalen in January

Posted: January 15, 2024

Jalen is closing in on the 1 year mark and is developing a personality. He's a pretty happy baby and is getting really close to walking - won't be long. He also got his first haircut recently - look at that! His birthday is in about a week and we plan to go down there to help celebrate it.



January 2024 - Snow Daze in January

Posted: January 14, 2024

We got an arctic blast last night combined with some moisture from the south and viola - we have snow! We got about 2 inches I think but it won't last long with temperatures going up in the next day or so. At least there was enough snow for the kids to play, and Lily really liked it as well - its her kind of weather.



January 2024 - Celebrating Family B-days for Dec and Jan

Posted: January 13, 2024

We got as many of the family as possible together to celebrate birthdays from Dec and January this weekend (Melody, Charlie). We met at Uncle Julio's in Arlington for this event. The weather was starting to change and get really cold this day. It was a good dinner, and Charlie and Mia got to smash open the Chocolate Piñata which was fun. Jack got passed around as well and spent time with everyone around the table - he's getting so big. It was a fun evening with everyone - Happy Birthday!



January 2024 - Charlie ACPA B-Ball for January

Posted: January 12, 2024

The basketball season rolls on for the Storm with multiple games this season. The team is doing ok but the competition is tough. Charlie still suffers from a wrist issue which I think is affecting his shot. We'll see how the rest of the season goes here, looks like it could be a tough season.



January 2024 - New Years Day 2024

Posted: January 1, 2024

We spent a quiet New Years Day at home watching the Rose parade and some football. Nothing too special. The College Football Playoffs included Texas so we had a horse in the race to follow. unfortunately, they fell short to Washington and didn't make it to the Championship game. Looks like the championship will pit Michigan vs. Washington this year.



Señor Rob's World is intended for family and friends, please do not re-use these images for propaganda without consent from The Señor! - Thank you!